The Jamesville Walnut Grove Cemetery is a non-denominational cemetery located in the Hamlet of Jamesville. There were originally four individual cemeteries. The oldest cemetery is in the rear southwest corner. The next oldest is just to its right. Some of the individuals buried in the oldest cemetery were born prior to the American Revolution. They were some of the first to settle in Jamesville.
In 1875 the citizens of Jamesville were confronted a serious situation. The existing cemetery was practically filled and there were no vacant lots available. Chapman W. Avery puchased two acres of land adjoining the Old Cemetery on the west side. Trees and shrubs were planted, an a fence built to enclose the property. Lots or graves were offered for sale at a price covering only the actual cost. In 1881 the Walnut Grove Cemetery Association was incorporated.
In 1910 the unsold portion of the cemetery consisiting of over 100 lots, walks and drives became Jamesville Cemetery. An additional three acres on the west were bought by T.M. Avery, and it was known as the Jamesville-Avery Purchase. More land was given to the cemeteries prior to the Solvay Process/Allied Chemcal Company leaving Jamesville. They are at the west and east ends of the property. Eventually in 2005 the two cemeteries merged into one.
The cemetery is laid out in Sections I- VIII. Each section is for the most part divided into numbered lots approximately sixteen feet by eighteen feet. Each lot is again divided into eight graves. At time of publication there are approximately 700 graves sites available for purchase.